
Welcome to my blog "méli-melo massages"
I praticing the Indian s massage "Abhyanga", it s with hot sesam oil. The benefit are to relax, to remove tension, to activate blood circulation.

I praticing too, the indonesian head 's massage, it during 45'. It s with coconut oil and essential oil.
This is a extremely relaxing massage.

I doing too, the Reïki, it s a energetic massage. The energy is coming by the hands, true the main chakras.

I learned this kind of massage at the "miki school" in paris. I had my certification.

I coming to your house with my table, for an hour. During the massage your body is cover by a towel and I uncover only the part I have to knead. At the end a cup of tea is given, to keep the benefit of the massge and come back slowly to the reality.

If you need more information, please call me (+33 648 58 11 11) and I will answer with joy.

This massage is only for well-being, not for sexual, erotic or medical ways.

See you soon


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